I used Microsoft Publisher and created a new custom sized document that was 12"x12". Then I used word art to make the "HE" or "SHE" in the back ground and filled the page with it. Then I typed in our things we love about each other into a text box that was the same size as the page (keep everything within the little blue lines at the edges so it all prints properly) separated with the dot, which I copied from the character map. On my computer (vista) its under Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Character Map. I just made the text and background opposite colours on the two documents. Then I got them printed and made into 'plak-its' at Staples. Make sure to check them when you pick them up though because I just realized that the SHE sign is about a 1/4 inch smaller than the HE which makes the text go right to the edge of it.

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